Prophetic Sword Picture

Monday, June 6, 2011

A back to the basics life style!

Dear friends and readers,

Peace and grace to you all in Jesus name!

You are most likely aware of my main blog at

Thank the Lord it has been very successful so I am continuing to publish that blog but have decided to add this new one called

That blog has been well received  by folks who like a bit longer article to think about and has produced many favorable comments and questions.

My purpose with the second blog is to field my opinions in shorter, hard hitting articles aimed more at families and Christians who are just simply sick of "political correctness"!

I recently wrote an article on Last Days Review that spoke about this issue and I know that many of you are watching what is happening in the world today with a combination of fear and trepidation. As Christians our fear is directed to and for the unsaved of this world who are frankly headed right down the road to hell.

How do we reach them? What about my father or an aunt or uncle who is flatly rejecting everything the Bible says and all that we stand for as Christians? Try as I might they simply do not want to know the truth. Are those an echo of your thoughts?

And what is going on in the world that has brought us to the point that a Christian viewpoint is being considered hate speech? Since everything we have to say (or at least should be) is a statement of love for the lost, how can this be?

Of course we all know that traditional family values, right to life and personal liberties have become a threat to many living a degenerate lifestyle. But should we remain silent knowing full well what their ultimate end will be? I don't think so!

There are so many people these days who seem to be downright proud of their disgusting life styles. It is all the rage for junior high school girls to give to themselves in sexual affairs. It's really really cool for 13 year old boys to join gangs and hang out on street corners sniffing glue. And what an incredible experience it is to "do" drugs, get blasted and hallucinate. REALLY?

C.S. Lewis, the famous author once said "Pride is the mother hen under who's wings, all sin is hatched"!

The Bible is of course our ultimate guide through life but even that is under attack. I read an article the other day by atheists decrying the Bible in general and the Prophet Daniel in specific. The claim of course is based upon the fact that Daniels writings have been so incredibly accurate that they must have been written centuries after the fact. Otherwise how could Daniel have known?

These people just simply do not want to admit that there is a God do they?

This week we know a lady that is beginning to have severe health problems. Palpitating heart rate, low blood sugar, feelings of despair and stress and the list goes on. In helping her understand what is going on, Brandy came across recent articles talking about the adverse health effects on the human body of massive amounts of a flavor enhancer called MSG. I thought that stuff was only put in Chinese food???Our research tells us that this stuff is being literally dumped into the commercial  prepared food supply by the bushels. I cannot believe how many potentially critical health problems this seems to be linked with. SPECIAL NOTE: Our advice is also for her to see a qualified doctor.

It never ends these days. Not only are we being bombarded by Bible haters and sin mongers but now food sources that may be slowly killing the population.

Do you long for the good old days like I do? Bread was freshly made, apples were not gassed and a pie purchased from a store did not have a 100 year shelf life? So many preservatives and food enhancers!!! And is there anyway for us to return to that simpler world?

This blog is for the purpose of discussing those things. Food is only a small part of a terribly big picture that has frankly gotten out of control. Is there anything we can do about crooked governments, army sized drug cartels and XXX rated movies on public channels? I think there is!

Clap your hands if you approve! Why do we have to put up with this trash? In the world today, the official numbers of Christians is listed at approaching 2 BILLION people. Now I know and so do you that not all two billion are serious in their walk with Christ. But still, that is the largest vocal and voting block of people on the face of the earth.

Soooooo, why do we put up with people espousing  the virtues of a totally free and lecherous life style? Why don't we speak out? Why do we hide our lamps under a basket? Why do we stand idly by and watch while children are reaped by sexual sin? Why do we put up with the genocide of entire generations of innocent babies?

Why do we stand silently by while evil Governments of the world sell Israel down the river?

Do you know what would happen if all 2 BILLION of us suddenly stood up and proclaimed a resounding NO!?

You see my friends, if we as individuals buy into the lie that our (individual) voices mean nothing-------then they WILL mean nothing. How sad when we can change all that.

2 Timothy 2:24-26"--A servant of the Lord must not quarrel but be gentle to all, able to teach, patient, in humility correcting those who are in opposition, if God perhaps will grant them repentance, so that they may know the truth, and that they may come to their senses and escape the snare of the devil, having been taken captive by him to do his will"!

It must start someplace----------why not right here and right now?

The internet is a very powerful force on this planet. Join in with me for the purpose of this blog and while your at it why not start your own? It's free.

Let's talk.

God bless you all in Jesus name,
Pastor Rance.