Dear friends and readers,
Peace and grace to all of you in Jesus name.
Are you a follower of Christ who somehow doubts that He loves you or that you're life is important to the kingdom of God?
Many within the church do have those feelings but the question is, does God see you in the same way you see yourself? Are you feeling worthless and irrelevant? And are those feelings valid?
All of us have gone through things in our lives that can and often do bring us to areas of self doubt. I fully understand---been there and done that. As I was growing up I was told several times by my parents that "you were just an accident". I was dropped at an orphanage at the age of 5 (although through family pressure was redeemed somewhat later). My parents were both severe alcoholics with terrible bouts of violence in their relationship. Each of them seemingly took turns running off---disappearing from my life for weeks on end. I can remember only one time that my father told me he loved me and on that evening he was drunk on a bar stool. In short I had a painful youth and very much regret that I have nothing good to say about my parents, both of whom died very early from substance abuse.
In my own case, I made up my mind early in life that I would not be defined by the opinions of others including my own family. I determined that I would not use the failures of my parents as an excuse for my own failure.
I was 7 years old when I made that pledge to myself.
I had my own full time job at 14 and have been on my own ever since. It was not that I did not love my parents but I refused to go down the road that most people would think was preordained for them. At some point during those years my Grandmother told me about Jesus and after all, who does not believe Grandma? I did not know much and really nothing about the Bible, nor did I walk with the Lord until much later in life, but I did always know He was there.
Over the years as a pastor, I cannot tell you how many times I have heard variations of that story but in most cases people DID become defined by the actions of others and this tragedy has followed them through their entire lives, lurking in the background as an anchor of self defeat. Frankly why I was spared from all that I may never know but what I do know is that each and everyone of us really were created in the image of God and He has a far better opinion of us than most people have of themselves.
Before I served the Lord, I served in a career of law enforcement so between the two I have seen just about every example of marriage and divorce, tragically broken abused women, sexually abused children, drug or alcoholic destruction and many other miserable things that have happened to people in all walks of life. Some people, but very few escape the carnage that these horrible circumstances bestow upon their lives. Most, unfortunately carry unspeakable emotional, social and spiritual baggage with them throughout their entire lives.
Many are Christians who are somehow unable to accept the redemption that was guaranteed by a merciful God who paid the price for all of that with His own life on the cross of Calvary.
Oh, how I have counseled people having gone through those terrible times, as have many of my pastoral colleagues. We have taught and explained relevant scripture. Encouraged and provided opportunities for healing, or rehabilitation. But sadly in very many cases children of God cannot bring themselves to believe that God really does love them. I fully realize that you cannot simply throw scripture at very real human problems and expect them to disappear over night.
It is so simple from a scriptural point of view. James 4:8 tells us "Draw near to God and He will draw near to you". Ah, but there is a catch; How exactly do we accomplish that? The problem is that healing of emotional problems plays out very differently for each and every person. Scripture also tells us to simply give our problems to the Lord. Great advice but unfortunately easier said than done.
The Hebrew word "RAPHA" in the Old Testament means HEAL and when coupled with a Hebrew name of God is JEHOVAH RAPHA, or the God who heals. This word RAPHA is used in various Biblical scriptures as PHYSICAL HEALING, EMOTIONAL HEALING and SPIRITUAL HEALING. When we look at a New Testament scripture in Luke chapter 9 verse 11 we see a picture of Jesus Christ healing the multitudes.
Obviously there is healing available at all levels when we draw close to God. SPECIAL NOTE: Some folks become discouraged when loved ones are not healed. I cannot explain that other than to say that "SOMEDAY" we all come to the end of our lives but none of us know when that time will arrive. I personally have learned not to second guess God. I may not care for the outcome of a particular problem but second guess God, I do not.
As stated we all must find our own solutions in drawing near to God and that plays out differently for all of us. I will share with you some things I do and hope they will help someone reading this article.
1). I have chosen a life of service. Not everyone can do that full time but we can always help those around us. Speaking only as one man, I have discovered that when I am concentrating my efforts on helping someone in need, even though my own problems do not disappear, they do fade into the background and are no longer the central focus of my life. If nothing more than a commitment to pray for someone, it concentrates my own efforts on that person or problem and not upon myself.
2). I enjoy pondering just how grand, how big, how magnificent and powerful is a Creator who gave me life and is able to keep a huge universe running smoothly. When my wife and I sit quietly on our patio in the evening and have tea, we have absolutely zero sense of movement. And yet scientifically that is far from the truth.
I can look up into the night sky and clearly see the "MILKY WAY" which is a Galactic plane encompassing an area so immense that it occupies an area including 30 constellations. The constellation Sagittarius is roughly at the center and we here on Earth can see it all. Except we can't see it all because the planet Earth upon which we sit is also included as part of the Milky Way which is hurtling through the universe at 190 miles per second while it also rotates at 140 miles per second.
At exactly the same time, the Earth we are sitting upon is rotating on its axis at 1000 miles per hour and orbiting around the sun at 66,000 miles per hour. But the liquid in our tea cups does not slosh around because we feel zero movement. God has created an order within the Universe that has enabled it to function perfectly and has for untold gazillions of years. Planet Earth is a huge ball suspended by absolutely nothing, except the will of God.
3). It is that very same God who gave life to each and everyone of us. At the moment of conception he gave us a human soul and a body that is exactly imprinted with the same DNA as our relatives who may have lived thousands and thousands of years ago. Our human families cannot be confused because DNA cannot be confused.
It is important for us to try and view ourselves from the same perspective that our Creator sees both in us and about us because then and only then do we realize that we are not an accident. We are not worthless. We were created for a very special purposes that sadly very many people during their lives never realize.
I learned a few things during my Law Enforcement career that left an incredible impression on my soul. And helped me see myself as yes, a flawed human being but one in whom our great God has hope and a plan for my life. AND YOURS.
Perhaps you have heard the statement than in all the world no two snowflakes are alike? That is not an accident because God is capable of creating an infinite number of anything. Including human beings, and each and everyone is special and distinct from all other humans who have ever been created.
Many people when born have their foot prints placed upon their birth certificate. The reason for that is Gods desire that no two human footprints are alike and have not been since Adam and Eve. But thats not all; Did you know that your individual finger prints, exact shape of your ear and imprinted coding within the corneas of your eyes are all specific to you and only you?
You are a one of a kind and there has never ever been another exact replica of you that has been made nor will there ever be. You and I and all of mankind were created in the image of a Holy and Righteous God who has a plan for our lives even though we are drastically flawed. And as far as the flaws of mankind are concerned, God even provided a way for us to escape righteous judgement through a simply, heart felt prayer of repentance of our sins and acceptance of Jesus Christ as Lord of our lives.
That tells me that God also has something specific for me---and you to do in our lives that will glorify Him. Something absolutely no one else that has ever been created is capable of doing. At least not in the same magnificent way that you can because you are the only one He created with the abilities to do it. Oh, others might do the job, but not the way you can because you were created to do so.
Sad that so many folks have never discovered what it is that the Lord created them to do. By the way, that special job might be finding the cure for cancer, bringing peace instead of war, creating a painted master piece, writing an inspired book, Being a good father or raising your children as a Godly mother who's legacy might be told through the lives of a Godly great grandson or daughter.
Of one thing I am certain; God really does not make any accidents and you are special. There is a supernatural plan for your life. God does not want you bound in yesterdays pain, agony and carrying emotional baggage thrust upon you by either accident or design through the thoughtless acts of others.
How do you discover your calling regardless of age and history? Well, how is this for a starter? Ask the Lord and keep on asking until He tells you. John 10:27 (Jesus speaking) "My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me".
Draw near to Him and He will draw near to you. Have hope, you are special.
God bless you all,
Pastor Rance.