Dear friends and readers,
As a follower of Christ, have you ever wondered why incredibly intelligent people such as scientists, cannot seem to get it right? Not all of course because their are some extremely serious Christian believers who are scientists. But on the whole, these people seem to deny anything they cannot physically touch or feel. No room for a Spiritual God, even though they themselves cannot figure out how it all began. Maybe it is a matter of being locked up in sterile laboratories with no one to talk to but monkeys and lab rats? Scientific vision clouded by beakers, microscopes and text books?
Of course there is nothing wrong with education and text books. I have some myself. But it does amaze me that people who deny anything having to do with an unseen God, can at the very same moment enjoy toast cooked via electricity that itself cannot be seen. Feel invisible wind on their faces at the beach, understand unseen gravity and believe in some mystical vast universal explosion that created the universe billions of years ago (with zero evidence by the way). And actually---I will never understand this one---believe and teach that all life began at a moment in time when a single celled amoeba of some unknown origin, with no thinking capacity what so ever "DECIDED" to crawl up out of the primordial ooze to become some kind of prehistoric beast that eventually became a monkey who then turned into---a man? Wow.
So I said to myself, self I said, why then over vast millennia has man not changed one tiny little iota into say, a "ecostratocumba"? You say you have never heard of a "ecostratocumba"? Well, neither have I but I figure if highly intelligent scientists can creatively invent such utter nonsense, then I can invent a new name for a future creature who will never ever exist!
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Just today I ran across an article originally printed in "BREAKING ISRAEL NEWS" by a Canadian born resident of Jerusalem named Yehezkel Laing. Fascinating. The basic thrust of the article is slowly admitted new evidence that scientists now believe indicate, ALL mankind can be traced back to one man and one woman. What an amazing revelation! Gosh if only some of those people had read that very thing in the book of Genesis of Bible fame, they could have saved an awful lot of monkeys and lab rats.
You know, the story of the original man and woman, Adam and Eve? Garden of Eden and all that stuff? Have you noticed that it is so much easier to believe obvious truth than to work up endless theories to deny it? So apparently new studies based upon DNA suggest that all women can be traced back to one single female and all men to one single male. There has been something floating around the scientific world called "The Multiregional Hypothesis" which was believed an indicator that suggested multiple origins for humanity in general. More modern research now indicates humanity has a common source. Do you remember all that we were told since 1987 about this new evidence? No? Well, perhaps that's because we were not told. But apparently there was a published study investigating common origins in 1987. The study researched something called "MITOCHONDRIAL DNA" which is passed from a mother to both daughters and sons. Therefore it reveals maternal lineage.
Based upon this study, researchers were able to determine that EVERY SINGLE HUMAN BEING alive today can trace their ancestry back to one single human female. So much for one celled organisms and primordial ooze! Scientifically speaking this single woman is now referred to as "MITOCHONDRIAL EVE". They are trying to narrow down the window of life for this first woman and now believe it as few years ago as a mere 100,000. I could help them with a short Bible study but hey, if I did that who would spend all that Government sponsored research money?
Oops, do you suppose that God, the Creator of human life might object to these scientific doubters and unbelievers appropriating the name of Eve? Talk about plagiarism! Next we will find that they will also be using ADAMS name. They wouldn't go that far would they? Surely not.
Err, well maybe they would. Seems like another discovery was made in 1995. Gosh that means it only took the great scientific minds a mere 8 years to marry off MITOCHONDRIAL EVE to "Y-CHROMOSOMAL ADAM". Ancestral Adam to us common folk. In fact this new study confirmed that the Y-Chromosome is passed through a single male to his sons. No daughters by the way, just sons. Well let me see if I can understand this. That must mean that in order to continue the human race, a man is needed to pass on his Y-Chromosome and a woman must come together with that man so she can pass on her mitochondrial DNA to their off spring. One man, one woman, makes sense to me. But then that concept was also clearly stated in the book of Genesis. But heck why belabor the point, right?
Golly, I just had a thought. Do you suppose that this new line of scientific thinking could also lead to our brain trust finally realizing there is a reason why they have discovered sea shells on the highest mountain tops? Dude, that's way out there for certain.
I will quote just one original paragraph from the article I read. "The studies were quickly attacked by other researchers. But subsequent studies confirmed the original findings and the theory is now generally accepted by the scientific community".
How original of them.
God bless,
pastor Rance.