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Thursday, June 7, 2018

RED WAVE/BLUE WAVE??? The REAL wave is Believers voting!

Dear friends and readers,

Tired of speculation over the coming mid terms? Burned out on trying to figure out if we will see a RED WAVE or a BLUE WAVE?

The real wave will be Christians, followers of Christ going to the polls, We are millions and millions strong! Followers of the Lord can not only influence but turn any American election anyway we want. BUT ONLY IF WE VOTE!!!

Staying home and sitting on our collective hands will see defeat for the conservative cause. It will insure the continued advancement of political correctness, the squashing of free speech, the eventual demise of the second amendment, repeal of tax reforms, more regulations back in place, and a general degradation of our once great American society as it gives way to socialism.

Ask yourself some questions;

Do you like being a parent who has zero to say about your children's sex education classes in school?

Do you love high taxes?

Do you want to continue seeing our cities filled with homeless?

Are you sick and tired of seeing your tax money dolled out to people on welfare (at least to those who can actually work for a living but don't)?

Does it bother you that the United States gives money to (MULTIPLE) countries who hate us?

Are you concerned that country after country that we have trade agreements with are shafting the American tax payer---and past administrations have allowed that to continue---by the BILLIONS OF DOLLARS annually?

Do you suspect that big government is the reason that social security and Medicare are going broke?

Are you tired of hearing career politicians tell you how to vote?

Are you worried that ultra liberal values will continue degrading a once proud nation?

Are to sick and tired of hearing about honest Bible believing business people being told who they can make cakes for and who they cannot?

Do you want to live in a place that values mom, apple pie and Old Glory---and the BIBLE?

Me too and while we are at it, I am also sick and tired of politicians ridiculing my Bible and what it says, trying to tear down crosses and dictate who can display a Nativity scene on their front lawns.

We can change that---ALL of it, but ALL the millions and millions of us have to register and vote!

It is a God given right in our democracy. Let's ban together and use it!

Don't wait till the last minute to decide---the mid terms are a very short 5 months away.

Good bless,
Pastor Rance.

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