Dear friends and readers,
Peace and grace to all of you in Jesus great Name!
Hot topics always elicit argument. This article is one of those so be warned in advance. I believe that God may possibly be warning the United States of America that it is unwise to continue pushing for a two state solution in the Middle east. At least if that means dividing up the land of Israel to do so.
When I first began to pray about this article I knew full well that it would be controversial. Literally as I was about to push the publish button, Hurricane Harvey was beginning to strike the Texas coast and as we all know by now, wrought a level of flooding and devastation that is heart rending to say the least. Thousands if not millions of people were effected in ways that may take years to recoup. Homes lost, family momento's that can never be replaced ruined beyond repair, animals suffering and dying and worst of all the cost in lost human life. This was obviously Not the time to publish an article of this type and I realized it would merely have come across as callous and uncaring. Then came hurricane Erma. It just seems to go on and on.
I do believe that the information contained here is worth consideration and so have opted to go ahead with publication after an appropriate time of grief and loss. Of course the term "appropriate" will I am sure be debated and rejected by some. You simply cannot please everyone.
On the upside of this catastrophe, was neighbor after neighbor helping each other, people and resources pouring in from all over the nation and even Israel sent teams to help. It was heart warming in that regard because we seem to be passing through yet another period (like we did back in the 60's and 70's) in which race relations have dropped to an all time low. Hatred seems to be everywhere.
Things like the despised KKK and Nazi thinking seem to be once again on the rise. Exactly opposite those groups are large assemblies of people who think they can resolve these issues through violence and seem to believe it is ok to loot and destroy in the process. But, what we saw during this horrible event were people of every race and color setting those issues aside and just helping out other human beings. Perhaps there is still hope for us after all!
As I stated this article will most certainly be controversial so hang on tight. The mere idea that God (for any reason) would warn or punish nations is something that is hotly debated even within Christianity. As always I will present some information and you decide for yourselves if there is any validity to it.
First a disclaimer: I have read and heard some far left and far right idiotic comments from mean spirited people who have intimated that this suffering was brought on by the victims themselves because they aligned themselves with certain political parties. What an insult. Need I say more? Victims are victims and require help from everyone, not ill thought condemnation.
Please know that I myself am not 100% confidante that there is a viable correlation between the actions of Governments and forthcoming Godly wrath. Also, I am not a prophet and cannot speak for God in this regard. It is very difficult to tell any innocent person, particularly a believer that God just destroyed their house or took life as an act of divine judgement. On the other hand, we cannot simply discount something that long years of evidence seems to point to certain realities. No matter how I word this article it will "tick" someone off. So please keep an open mind and examine the evidence and decide for yourselves.
There is a well know author by the name of William Koenig who wrote a somewhat controversial book in 2004 by the name of "EYE TO EYE". You may remember that the cover depicts a photo of President George Bush looking at a Star of David. This book was a raging success in some quarters and completely disregarded in others.
In the form of full disclosure, I am one who highly recommended this man's excellent work and still do. In essence what this book did was to trace very bad decisions by the first Bush administration, President Clinton and then 8 years of Bush the junior. In other words fully 20 years of consistent, extremely bad Presidential decisions regarding the United States policies regarding Israel. The setting is roughly 1991 through the books publishing date in 2004. And of course after that another President made exactly the same error for an additional 8 years for a total of 28 years. The question now is, are we about to embark as a nation on yet another 4 or 8 years of downhill slide into national oblivion through the hands of yet another President? I would like to add that including the current occupant of the White House, all 5 of the recent past Presidents have claimed to be Christians. While I certainly did not agree with many actions of each of these national leaders, I have no doubt that all of them acted in what they believed was the best interest of the United States and the American people.
What were these bad decisions? Unilaterally trying to force Israel into dividing up her God given land in the mistaken belief that trading land for peace would ever work. Mr. Koenig's book tracked several bad decisions by these administrations and coupled them with almost immediate catastrophic natural events that struck the United States, and other countries. These ranged from earth quakes, to fire, flood, hurricanes, volcanic disruption and other events that cost the country hundreds of billions of dollars and many lives.
I believed then that these terrible events may well portend divine warnings and still do. Those that rejected the findings of this great research book were mainly among those who did not think that a loving God would ever punish mankind for picking on His chosen people, the Jews or on His chosen land of Israel.
Tilt! I wonder how Nebuchadnezzar felt about that after he was forced to eat grass like a wild animal for 7 years until he recognized God's authority (Daniel chapter 4). Or how about his son King Belshazzar who blasphemed the name of God? During a large celebration ( Daniel chapter 5), the king saw with his own eyes, a human hand (only) suspended in space and watched as one of the fingers wrote on the plaster wall of his chamber. The words were "Mene, Mene, Tekel, Upharsen". That same evening the prophet Daniel was summoned to translate the message which read "God has numbered your kingdom and finished it. You have been weighed in the balances and found wanting; Your kingdom has been divided and given to the Medes and Persians". That very night Babylon fell and king Belshazzar was killed.
I can imagine that in everyone of these cases there were some very good people who also suffered because of bad decisions by their kings or national leaders. I suppose we could call that "collateral damage". That happens in every single war that has ever been fought including wars participated in by the United States. Innocent folks get hurt. Or as is fond of saying by many Christians, "bad stuff happens to good people".
Or how about King Herod the great of Israel? In Acts chapter 12:23 he failed to give praise to God and was immediately eaten from within by worms.
Or how about all of the following nations who were utterly destroyed or faded into oblivion because they picked on or attacked Israel or the Jewish people?
Ancient Egypt, Philistines, Assyrian Empire, Persian Empire, Greek Empire, Roman Empire, Byzantine Empire, The Crusaders, Spanish Empire, Nazi Germany, Ottoman Empire, Soviet Union, And a considerable down sizing of the British Empire.
Is the United States above all that? Is it too big to fail? Not if the U.S. Government insists upon pressuring Israel to give up land for peace.
Have you noticed one of the most asked questions about the end times??? WHY IS THERE NO MENTION OF THE UNITED STATES in the end times prophecies? Fair or unfair, this is an inconvenient truth. It is simply not there at least in name or apparently in importance
One does wonder, if the current occupant of the White House really has the large reported cadre of important pastors advising him, did all those people somehow miss approximately 35% of the Bible that is prophetic in nature? Or the absolute heart and mind of God toward His beloved Israel? This article is not about politics and you will never see me writing in that venue. Nor is it about Presidential personalities. What it is about is simple taking a hard look at the consequences of bad decision making regardless of which political party or President makes the call.
If you never had a copy of "EYE TO EYE", I highly recommend that you look up Mr. Koenig's web site and order one. I do not know him personally and receive nothing for making this recommendation. But, it is good information in a potentially devastating way. What I want to do today is a brief review of some very intriguing history and then you decide for yourselves.
Hurricane Harvey may have been an extremely good example. Called the worst disaster in Texas history although I am not certain that General Sam Houston and the (roughly 257) brave men who died at the Alamo would agree with that statement. But we can agree that it is the worst disaster to befall Texas in modern times. And in fact it is another in a long line of disasters that have struck the United States during a time when the countries leadership is trying to finagle peace between Israel and the so called Palestinian people at the cost of Israel giving up land to accomplish a two state solution.
It is interesting to note that the US National weather service described "HARVEY" as "unprecedented and beyond anything before experienced". Guess who was in Israel at the time putting more pressure on this ridiculous, ungodly plan for mankind to somehow bring peace to a region that has never known peace? Representatives of the Unites States Government. Clueless is the only epithet that comes to mind.
Some people, particularly some of our Rabbinic friends believe it is a forbidden thing to attribute divine motivations to natural disasters. Don't kid yourself folks. God will get the attention of Government leaders and nations who come against His beloved Israel.
On October 31st 1991 President George H.W. Bush signed the Oslo Accords that set in motion the idea of of a two state solution. The very next day a hurricane called "the perfect storm" struck the east coast, and among other things, completely destroyed President Bushes own personal house in Kennebunkport, Main. Coincidence?
Hurricane Andrew the worst natural disaster recorded until that time hit Florida one day after the infamous Madrid Conference of August 23, 1992. Those talks were moved at the last minute from Madrid to Washington D.C. Coincidence?
A category 4 hurricane "Georges" struck the United States gulf coast killing 604 people and costing the United States economy $10 billion in 1998 immediately after Secretary off State Madeline Albright announced an American brokered deal that would require Israel to give up 13% of Judea and Samaria in return for peace. A deal that utterly failed by the way. Coincidence?
One month later hurricane "Madeline" again struck the coast of Texas killing 31 people and costing $750 million. At that exact time Yasser Arafat was meeting the Israeli Prime Minister in the United States at the Wye River Plantation to discuss land for peace. Another failed attempt. Coincidence?
2005, hurricane "Katrina"ravaged the United States at the same time EXTREME pressure was placed on Israel to rip away it's own Jewish residents from their homes and farms in Gush Katif which was then handed over to Hamas in the Gaza strip. Coincidence?
Is this limited to the United States? Not even! There was a Paris France summit intended to lead to the two state solution that would force Israel to cede large portions of her land WITHIN THE BOARDERS OF TINY ISRAEL to the Palestinians. Once again this attempt failed but what did happen was that over the next 24 hours the River Seine rose 20 feet resulting in the worst flooding Paris had seen in several decades. Coincidence?
Other warning voices have been heard but have been ridiculed, shouted down and insulted for even suggesting such a thing as divine judgement. One such was former congresswoman Michelle Bachmann who warned in 2015 that "America's anti-Israel policy was bringing down the wrath of God in the form of natural disasters".
I know, I know, I can hear the skepticism now; How could I even intimate such a thing, after all the current American administration is very pro Israel. Really? Is the President right now still trying to force a peace deal? YES! Is the American Embassy moved from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem? NO! Has America officially recognized Jerusalem as the undivided eternal capital of Israel? NO! Are we still pandering to the Palestinians and sending money to Hamas? YES! Money that Hamas then denies it's own people and spends to dig more tunnels and purchase more ammunition, guns and rockets to attack Israel? Absolutely!
Perhaps I somehow missed those things?
How about a dose of reality folks. There are approximately 100 Biblical verses throughout the scriptures that foretell that all the nations of the world will eventually turn against Israel. They begin with a very stern Biblical warning; In Genesis 12:3 God is giving a promise to Abram (Abraham), NOTE: Abraham is the father of the Jewish people.
"I will bless those who bless you, and I will curse those who curse you". From there we visit Joel chapter 3 verse 2. NOTE: This is at a time when God is bringing the Jewish people back into Israel to posses their land. It is part of the "DRY BONES" prophecy (among others) of Ezekiel chapter 37.
"I (GOD) will gather all nations and bring them down to the Valley of Jehoshaphat;" (Kidron valley that runs exactly between the eastern wall of the Temple mount where the Golden gate is located and the Mount of Olives), "And I will enter into judgment with them there ON ACCOUNT OF MY PEOPLE , MY HERITAGE ISRAEL, whom they have scattered among the nations; THEY HAVE ALSO DIVIDED UP MY LAND"!
Did you happen to notice that God said "ALL NATIONS". He did not say Presidents, Prime Ministers and Kings. Like it or not, nations and the people in them pay a heavy price for decisions by their national leadership. Call me the original old grinch folks but ALL includes the United States. Joel 3:12 "Let the nations be awakened , and come up to the Valley of Jehoshaphat; For I will sit to judge ALL the surrounding nations. Put in the sickle , for the harvest is ripe. Come, go down; For the wine press is full, the vats overflow---For their wickedness is great".
And dare I mention Zechariah 14:1-2 "BEHOLD, the day of the Lord is coming, and your spoil will be divided in your midst. For I will gather ALL THE NATIONS to battle against Jerusalem-----"!
Friends, no one likes to hear this stuff let alone dwell on it but for certain that time is coming quickly. I cannot explain why innocents or believers would also have to suffer through any kind of event that smacks of divine judgement. Perhaps that is why we have Romans 8:28 "And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose". Or perhaps that is why God gave us the promise of the Rapture of the church in 1st Thessalonians. Or the order of events of the Rapture in 2nd Thessalonians which I believe clearly indicates that the Rapture happens just before the revealing of the antichrist.
One of the great mystery's is this? On the one hand God the father chastising the nations for their stance against Israel and dividing up her land. On the other hand God the Son, Jesus Christ, helping His people who are going through devastating events.
If you are a person who cannot accept that God would punish a nation in response to it's position in regards to Israel, then nothing I can say will change your mind. On the other hand if you are a person like myself who sees some disturbing correlations between pressuring Israel to give up land for peace and some terrible natural disasters, then all I suggest is that you keep an open mind. Examine the evidence for yourself.
I make no absolute judgements regarding these things. But I am not blind either. The jury is out.
But, the fact remains that there is absolutely zero mention of the most powerful nation on earth during the end times. So, what does happen to Uncle Sam? And why? Hmmmm?
In other articles I have postulated that the reason the United States is not mentioned in end times scenarios is because it is the largest Christian nation on the planet and it may well be that it is devastated by the Rapture of the church. Only time will tell about that. But, could there also be another reason? A bankrupt United States who's national debt just hit 20 TRILLION dollars and clearly cannot afford many, many BILLIONS more for rebuilding after disasters?
Friends, according to scripture, the ONLY person that will ever be able to make a peace deal between Israel and her neighbors is the antichrist of Daniel chapter 9:27. And no, I do not believe the antichrist has been revealed at this time. For the United States, United Nations, any group of nations, president, foreign minister, prime minister or king to try and force Israel to give up land given to her by divine right is to invite disaster. Period!
Luke 21:28 "Now when these things begin to happen, look up and lift up your heads, because your redemption draws near".
Oh, and get that book @ Mr Koenig documents DOZENS UPON DOZENS of examples of horrible natural events that have immediately followed bad decisions by national leaders.
Probably all just coincidence, right? You decide for yourselves but please do so based upon evidence not feelings or emotions.
God bless,
Pastor Rance.
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